The Council of International Students Associations(CISA) is the national peak body of more than over 750K foreign students across Australia.
On Wednesday 17th of July 2010, CISA was formed at the University of Tasmania, Hobart with joint efforts of the National Union of Students (NUS), Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations (CAPA) and the Australian Federation of International Students (AFIS) in order to form a unified voice for all international students.

One of the attendees of CISA HOUR from Melbourne mentioned, “I actually got a wonderful opportunity to meet with different individuals representing various ethnicities where Everyone bestowed us with some new wonderful offerings.”
“CISA Hour is the perfect opportunity for everyone to expose themselves to other cultures, to expand their cross-cultural understanding and introduce themselves to the global citizenship concept,” said the National president of CISA Bijay Sapkota.
“Many Culture one community .” This is what CISA stands for.

CISA recently organised CISA HOUR for the first time in history to celebrate multiculturalism across Australia. As Australia is the nation of diverse cultures and traditions, CISA took an initiative to celebrate all cultures in one place. CISA HOUR was organised in all the seven states and territories of Australia which includes New South Wales(NSW), Western Australia(WA), South Australia(SA), Queensland(QLD), Victoria(VIC), Australian Capital Territory(ACT), Northern Territory(NT) and Tasmania at the same time.