Today we will have to guess through thee image shown below where is this exact place and the name of the place.
From the image we could see some temples, some culturally importance monuments and also the grennery at the background and also some trees around the temples and monuments which also adds beauty to the picture.
There is also the river flowing nearby and overall the place looks so beautiful and any person would love to go there and spend some time..
I guess the place is “Pashupati Nath Temple“ and its surrounding which is now under the Pashupati Area Development Trust
Pashupati Nath Temple is listed under the UNESCO World Heritage in 1979 AD by UNESCO. Beside the temple there is the Bagmati River flowing in the background along with the greeneary which asdds the beauty to the picture.
This photo was taken around 1970s back then by Jerry Rogoff Photograph in 1970s Nepal Photo Project 1962-1975 by Dough Hall .
Pashupati Nath Tempploe is one of the culturally important and the religious place for our country Nepal and for Hindu Religion and this place is situated in Kathmandu and many piligrims from acrosss the country come to visit this sacred place along with the HIndus from India and across the world.
How many of could guess this place correctly?? Comment below.
Photo Source: Jerry Rogoff Photograph in 1970s Nepal Photo Project 1962-1975 by Dough Hall and