Recently Nepalese Social media has been successfully running as a typical place for so called “ kaanda ”. They are generally known as scandals and scams which take a viral form in the internet. Many new new scandals are rising in social media in a regular basis. They are generally a $ex video .
Regarding this issue many kaanda have aired on Nepalese social media like
Asmita Kaanda ,
Bestu kaanda,
belauti kaanda,
fuchche kaanda ,
japan kaanda ,
sonica kaanda ,
barsha raut kaanda ,
Tirsana panty kaanda
devar le bhauju ko fariya uchale pachi , and many more.
This trend has invited many suicides and promotion of these activities in our country. Many new new scandals come up with a bitter start. And the youths of some responsible groups are busy promoting it .
Let me brief you about this scandal.
I really don’t have any exact idea and logic behind the name of kaandas. Recently in social media Sacandals are serious issue and the youths who are supposed to demote these trends are enjoying which brings an automatic promotion to these activites.
It’s either $ex video or snpas which might be made by the boy by involving the girl in some kind of drugs and such activities. Basically it’s goes viral throughout the social media.
Talking about these trends……
Well it’s a normal thing to have $ex and involve in such activities but it must be appropriate legally, biologically and physically. These kind of video and snap are increasing in number which brings a kind of negative impact to the society and social standard of the people. Internet is for interaction , education and entertainment but few times ahead it is being used as a special and dedicated place to abuse and embarrass the people globally.
Even we whom we claim ourselves being a brave gorkhali are sharing and boosting these things. Have you ever thought if it was with your any family members? Have you ever thought about her career?
Inspite of these all questions you are busy promoting this kaanda from one group to another.
Why GIRLS ??
In the same point I want to question the girls who claim the agendas of feminism and female participation and their empowerment. Is this your effect that every time a new scandal and scams are being leaked. Would you let your partner film your tape of having s#x? But regarding this context we can doubt that the boy might have intoxicated her.
But girls are you so much insecure? What are your responsibilities towards your family ? Think about your career,family,friends,future and all of the things that you need. If Rita is victim one day then Sita will be on the other day. Similarly Rita,gita,mina everyone might be victim. So first of all build up your career rather than relationships. You will definitely get a perfect one for you but will you throw your prestige and self respect like others.
Inspite of stopping this trend even girls seem to enjoy posting about this trend. Hope girls will give more concern to their study and building career. Relationships come and go but a life with prestige is rare.
Disclaimer and a serious note
We don’t intend to hurt anyone’s sentiments. Our aim isn’t to do so. We are neither promoting nor boosting this scandal but we aim to stop these all immature acts of us which can take life of a girl and ruin her career. Just imagine if the girl gets this news of her leaked video then will she be strong enough to withstand? If we continue today by boosting the other day she might sucide and we will say sucide is not the solution to every problem but the reality and the fact is that actually you are the cause of her death. She might be forced to use drugs which resulted this but why don’t we actually care about her.
Are girls really unsafe in our country? Are girls so much insecure? Do they lack self respect? . These all questions still are unanswerable. Our team requests the concerned authority to stop these trends. Social media is for interaction not for abusing anyone. Your small help to end this trend might save the self respect,prestige of girls. Your small step to stop this might be a cause to live for girls who have been victim of sexual harassment.
We hope and believe that everyone who posted,supported,promoted,shared this scandal will show their responsibility and provide a good counseling to the victim. Be a responsible Citizen , end this trend and save life of that girl.