Are you a GAY ? know the Symptoms
What square measure some signs you may be a lesbian? Is there a take a look at to envision if you’re a lesbian or not? When {you square measure|you’re} questioning your gender and curious if you are a lesbian or not, you may be hoping there are certain signs that will help you figure it out. Although this is not a sure-fire test, if you experience three or more of these eight signs, you might be a lesbian. It’s worth investigating further.
These square measure a number of signs that you simply may well be a lesbian or bisexual. Of course, there’s no 100% positive thanks to tell. Discovering your sexual orientation takes time and self-exploration. Be patient with yourself and give yourself the time you need to figure it out.
01 . When You’re On a Date with a Guy, You’re Thinking About Your Female Best Friend
When you’re on a date with a guy, you’re thinking about how you can’t wait until it’s over so you can call your BFF–Not to tell her about the date, but to hear her voice and listen to how her day was. And then to make a plan to see her soon. All of this before you plan a second date with the dude.
02 . Your Eyes square measure Drawn to girls in Movies .
When you watch movies, your eyes are drawn to the female lead and not the hunky male. You can’t help noticing how beautiful she is and you watch the movie over and over just to see that one moment where the camera closes in on her slightly compound lips and every one you’ll have faith in is caressing them.
03 . You See Women Everywhere
Group of friends walking down street
When you’re out on the town or at the mall, you tend to notice girls first and eventually you notice that there’s a man there too. You do this before you even think. It’s an instinct.
04 . Most of Your Friends Are Women
You seek out girls and women for friendships, conversations, support, and fun. All of your best friends square measure girls, except maybe a few sensitive or gay men.
05 . U ‘ have Questioned ur Sexual-ity
You’ve asked yourself “Am I a lesbian?” “Am I gay?” “Am I bisexual?” If you’re asking yourself these queries, it’s a symptom that you simply may well be lesbian or bisexual. People who are not attracted to the same sex don’t tend to ask themselves if they are gay or not.
06 . You’ve Fallen in Love with a Woman.
You’ve had a relationship with a woman and it was great. It’s over now and so you don’t know if it was a one-off thing or if you’re a lesbian for real. If you’ve had one relationship with a woman, chances are you have the capability to fall in love with a woman again, even if you’ve dated men before or since.
07 . Lesbian Love Stories Get to You
You get tingly feelings when you read lesbian romance or watch lesbian romantic movies. When you watch a romantic movie or read a lesbian romance novel, you feel something deep inside when the couple kisses for the first time. You imagine yourself in a similar situation and it makes you feel happy and good inside. You have a sense of longing that echoes that of the heroines of the romance.
08 . You’ve Kissed a Girl and You Liked It.
Although you don’t need to have kissed someone or had sex to know if you are a lesbian or not, if you have and you liked it, that’s a positive sign that you might be a lesbian. It is especially a good sign if when you’re kissing you feel a desire to go further than just kissing.